Des Moines Valley Friends Quaker Meeting functions by appointing members to offices and committees. These volunteers prepare business that comes to the entire group for Spirit-led discernment. We have no paid workers. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in the work of the meeting.
The bulk of the work is done by committees according to the meeting’s needs and concerns. Different committees may care for the quality of worship, finances, peace and justice work, hospitality, religious education, nurturing members, and care of the building.
Committees perform specific tasks, discern issues and come up with recommendations to present to the full meeting for consideration and decision-making during a meeting for business.
DMVF MEETING POSITIONS AND COMMITTEES January 2025 through December 2025
Clerk: Carol Spaulding-Kruse
Assistant Clerk: Charlie Brown
Recording Clerk: Forrest Determann
Treasurer: Katie Jacoby
Asst. Treasurer: Dorothy Lifka
2nd Hour Scheduler: Carol Spaulding-Kruse
Advices and Queries Facilitator: Billie Wade
Query Recorder: Susan Meyers
Assistant Query Recorder: Peter Clay
Finance Committee: Catherine Dietz-Kilen (convener), Dorothy Lifka, Katie Jacoby, Charlie Brown
Ministry & Counsel: Jim Dietz-Kilen (Convener), Dorothy Lifka, Gordon Bivens, Andrea Holveck, Peter Clay, Deborah Fisch, Billie Wade
Peace & Social Concerns: Billie Wade (Convener), Jack Holveck, David Drake, Patty Wengert, Logan Jiminez, Addison Williamson, Petra Lange
Religious Education: Dorothy Lifka, Andrea Holveck
Buildings and Grounds: Charlie Brown (Convener), Fred Nelson, Bob Henderson, Tyler Walpole
Library: Deborah Fisch (Convener), Virginia Smith, Addison Williamson, Patty Reynolds
Friendly Line: Ann Robinson, Virginia Smith, Billie Wade
Property Management: Fred Nelson, Bob Henderson
DMARC Representative: Kari Noble, Andrea Holveck
Friends House Board Representatives: Deborah Fisch, Billie Wade, Dorothy Lifka
Outreach and Communications: Ann Robinson, Billie Wade, Katie Jacoby, Lindsey Baker, Logan Jiminez, Forrest Determann
Audit Committee: Ann Robinson, Billie Wade
Phone messages: Dorothy Lifka
House scheduler: Claire Cumbie-Drake
Hosting Scheduler: Charlie Brown
Interfaith Alliance Representative: Dorothy Lifka
Nominating Committee: Andrea Holveck (Convener), David Drake, Cindy Winchell